Solid fuel steam-boiler houses

  • Solid fuel steam-boiler houses
  • Solid fuel steam-boiler houses
  • Solid fuel steam-boiler houses
  • Solid fuel steam-boiler houses
  • Solid fuel steam-boiler houses
  • Solid fuel steam-boiler houses
  • Solid fuel steam-boiler houses

«Ural-Power» company offers the solid fuel steam-boiler houses completed with own-produced solid fuel steam-boilers. The own production allows us produce the modular steam-boiler house (modular steam-boiler unit) or stationary solid fuel steam-boiler house in the shortest period of time.

We reduce costs and time of construction the solid fuel steam-boiler house by installation of the own-produced supplementary equipment, which may be completed with:

The equipment sets manufactured by Ural-Power allow you to use effective solutions for improving the reliability of steam-boilers.

Steam-boiler hous

The steam-boiler houses are available to complete according to a typical project design or customer’s requirements.

Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) are applied solutions for the steam-boiler’s automation produced by our company. PLCs are used in the units allow output and transfer of the boiler operation data to a dispatcher console, as of transfer signals of cell communication channel.

Required technical estimations may be provided for both industrial steam-generators and steam-boilers generated the saturated or superheated steam at a temperature up to 400°C and pressure up to 140kgf/cm2.

The modular steam-boiler houses running on a different type of fuel:

«Ural-Power» company will carry out production and installation of steam-boiler house’s, as well as all required technical estimations. The price of a steam-boiler house depends on technical specification and equipment’s complete set of water-heating boiler.

Ural-Power steam-boiler house available to buy now, you can receive no-cost consultation from our specialists, please, contact us by phone or use a feedback form.